Brian J Munz Safety Complex
Born January 22, 1984

End of Watch July 22, 2008
The BRIAN J MUNZ SAFETY COMPLEX became a vision when the Fairbury Fire Department lost Brian J Munz “Munzy” in a line of duty death on July 22, 2008. The Fairbury Fire Department was paged to help a neighboring community battle a house fire. 4 Fairbury firemen heeded the call for help that day, Brian being one of the four. Only three firemen came home that night. Brian lost his life in that fire, doing what he loved! The legacy he left behind was one of generosity and compassion and kindness. Not long after Munzy’s passing, the fire department dreamed a dream which became a reality when they held the dedication ceremony for the Brian J Munz Safety Complex, home of the Fairbury Fire Department and SELCAS (Southeast Livingston County Ambulance Service). The dedication ceremony, held on July 31, 2015, is available below.
Fairbury Fire Department is an all-volunteer department with 28 members which includes the Chief and Assistant Chief. The 26 firefighters are led by Chief Josh Hoselton and Assistant Chief Jeremiah Rinkenberger. Chief Hoselton became Chief after the retirement of Martin Steidinger.
A complete roster of firefighters include:
Fire Chief – Josh Hoselton
Assistant Chief – Jeremiah Rinkenberger
Jason Leman
Brett Fehr
Wes Steidinger
Keith Slagel
Smith Bachtold
Ryan Hanson
Connor Ely
Tyler Roth
Brad Rhoades
Levi Steidinger
Connor Casner
Jared Steidinger
Brandon Stoller
Nathan Fehr
Thane Schaffer
Ben Herr
Logan Spenard
Kyle Walter
Kent Steidinger
Greg Bazzell
Kyle Knapp
Austin Fehr
The Safety Complex sits on the grounds of the old fire station at 320 W Locust Street
Fairbury Fire protects 88 sq miles with 6 trucks – #241 Brush Truck/Tanker; #242 Tanker; #243 Rescue; #244 Engine; #245 Squad; #246 Ladder